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Natalie Korth
3D Animator & Storyboard Artist

NASA work

Boots on the Moon comic spread

Responsible for background art and cleanup to be printed in black and white
This was passed out nationwide for the Apollo 50th Anniversary event 


JSC Intern Tshirt Design

Created final picked design for the intern shirts. Took inspiration from 1950-1960 Sci-fi and the Art Deco style
Designed to incorporate all the programs fellow Interns were involved with. (Orion, Gateway, Artemis, ISS, etc.)

2019interndesign front and
2019NASA Intern tshirt design_complete_N

H-3PO logo design

Designed logo ideas for the H-3PO Diversity & Inclusion internal department

Kate infographic AA2.png       281-900-7378   

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